Monday, November 9, 2015

How Mormons on All Sides Are Missing the Mark With New Church Policy

The firestorm over the new policy enacted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has resulted in pandemonium and chaos among Mormons and non-Mormons alike.  Staunch believers have been put in a tough position, with many blindly supporting any and all measures taken by the church without much thought or willingness to discuss the matter with nuance.  Others have been leaving the Mormon faith in droves.  Still others have decided to stay for the time being but remain vocal opponents to the new policy.  In other words, the whole situation is a bit of a mess.

There are many angles to the new policy that denies the opportunity of baby blessings and baptisms to children being raised by gay parents.  The reasoning behind this policy is complex and the ramifications - good, bad, or indifferent - are widespread.  But what is lost in this uncomfortable discussion is what it means when the LDS church makes such declarations of policy in the first place.

I've discussed this concept before in private correspondence but have never blogged publicly about the actual concept of prophets and apostles.  There is a gross misunderstanding in the Mormon faith that what is taught in church on Sundays or even what is taught in General Conference twice a year is the same thing as the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  These two things are in fact different.  We are all striving to gain a more perfect understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is deep and complex and inexhaustible and which is gained through personal experience and personal revelation.

What is taught in church is what needs to be said to the saints all at once, usually with the weakest among us in mind.  This holds true as well when the prophet and apostles share messages to the entire church body.  They know it is incumbent upon the more valiant and able members to seek further enlightenment via their own personal study and personal prayer.  In other words, the church should not have to babysit and spoon feed higher truths to those members of the Mormon faith who are perfectly capable of gaining those answers on their own.  That's why God gave us personal prayer and the Gift of the Holy Ghost and why we are told that a slothful servant is one that must be commanded in all things.  Slothfulness also applies to those who do not seek higher truths than what we are taught on Sundays.  I for one choose to not be a slothful servant.

The issue at hand with this new church policy is not so much a matter of children or gays or lesbians or baptism or blessings.  Rather, the issue at hand is whether or not Mormons are going to choose to sustain the living prophet and apostles.  But in order to truly and effectively sustain the living prophet and apostles, one must understand what the heck that concept even means.  And therein lies the problem.  This is why some are leaving the Mormon church while others are blindly defending everything and anything that is officially done in its name.  This is a false dichotomy that is wrecking havoc in the lives of so many.

Christians of all faiths have whitewashed the history of prophets and that is no more evident than among Mormons since we believe in living prophets and apostles.  The perception of perfection is of critical importance to the beliefs of the average Mormon when it comes to the men God chooses to lead us, both past and present.  Yet, any honest reading of the scriptures shows prophets and apostles that are deeply flawed individuals, just like you and me.  There are countless examples of this in the scriptures, which is truly amazing considering what little information we have on these men.  One can only imagine what we would think if we were privy to more in-depth, balanced information on the prophets and apostles of old.

As we know, 2/3 of the pages in the Book of Mormon were sealed because we could not handle the truths that were contained therein.  Think about how much information is contained in those pages, which double the number of pages contained in the Book of Mormon itself!  Is it really that far fetched to assume that perhaps some of the truths contained in all of those hundreds and hundreds of pages pertain to the flaws and imperfections of the prophets we place on such high pedestals?  Is that really too much of a leap?

Our early church history is littered with the mistakes and flaws of Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, and many other important church leaders.  Even in the latter half of the 20th century, many actions by the living prophets and apostles can probably be safely categorized as mistakes if you really go back and study the history of the church.  Even today, few members of the church would sustain our current prophet and apostles if they knew every single detail about them.  But at the end of the day, is that a problem with the prophet and apostles or is that a problem with the people of our faith?

The only person in the history of mankind that Mormons would be comfortable sustaining as a prophet, having all knowledge at their disposal, is Jesus Christ himself.  That's it.  Because the standard by which we hold prophets and apostles to is nothing less than ridiculous.  And the job of being a prophet or apostle is literally impossible.  Every man is pre-determined to fall short of expectations.  That they succeed as well as they do is nothing short of a miracle.

Many Latter Day Saints are worried about how they are going to defend this new policy.  I, for one, am not going to defend this new policy.  It's not my policy; I never would have come up with this policy; I am not going to defend that which I did not create and do not fully understand.  But defending Thomas S. Monson?  Defending Henry B. Eyring?  Defending Dieter F. Uchtdorf?  Defending the men who are behind this new policy?  That's about the easiest thing I'll be asked to do all day.

Too many members of the church think prophets and apostles gain revelation through some sort of mystical, magical process.  The truth is, prophets and apostles receive inspiration from God just like you and me.  The process is the exact same.  And I don't know about you but receiving clear and precise personal revelation is hard enough as it is.  God doesn't make this life easy.  Receiving revelation on behalf of others, particularly when "others" entails 15 million people spread out across the globe?  I can only imagine how utterly impossible that task must feel like.  Sometimes we are asked to pray for the prophet and the apostles.  There is a reason for that.

I don't care what this new policy is all about.  Nothing in it changes all of the good that is accomplished in the Mormon church.  Nothing is different today that wasn't true all of the days prior regarding the service and the compassion and the righteousness that emanates from those who live this religion.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the restored church of Jesus Christ in these modern times.  And the Christ-like qualities that Mormons in every corner of the globe possess is something that can only be accomplished through living prophets and apostles, whose leadership is founded on continuing revelation as well as a keen understanding of and personal adherence to the teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Excommunication of John Dehlin

John Dehlin, founder of the website and podcast "Mormon Stories", was excommunicated yesterday.  Members of the LDS faith tend to get uncomfortable when the topic of excommunication comes up but that is not the right reaction.  The process of excommunication is a key aspect of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and should not be swept under the rug.

I do not understand everything about John Dehlin's excommunication and I am not going to sort through the various material on his website or listen to his podcasts.  From what I can gather, Dehlin had no intention of attending church regardless of his membership status.  Supposedly, he has not been to church since last June.

Dehlin made a name for himself by publicly questioning various pillars of the Mormon faith and straight up denouncing core aspects of our religion.  The media has reported that he was excommunicated because he supports same sex marriage and gender equality but that is patently false.  Dehlin was no longer a Mormon in any sense of the word and he was using his membership status for his own personal gain.

Also noteworthy is the reminder given by church leaders as to what exactly excommunication is.  When someone is excommunicated, they are not banished from the church.  That's what the average person assumes happens but LDS officials have been consistent in their stance that excommunicated members only lose their membership status and are strongly encouraged, through support from their local congregation, to get re-baptized once they have taken the proper steps.

It is important to understand why Dehlin was excommunicated as there is a lot of misinformation.  It is perhaps even more important to remember what Dehlin's excommunication symbolizes.  The fact that his excommunication is so noteworthy, despite the justifiable grounds for doing so, serves to highlight the thousands of individuals who are NOT excommunicated each and every day.

The excommunication process is not some sort of heavy handed witch hunt used to punish enemies of the Mormon church.  Quite the contrary, excommunication is a drastic step to aid the repentance process in severe cases of sin as well as protect the body of the church from those who have turned against the faith and use their membership for their own purposes.  In the case of someone like John Dehlin, claiming membership in the Mormon church has to mean something more than "once upon a time I got baptized"

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Ferguson, Missouri: Trayvon Martin Case 2.0

To understand what is happening in Ferguson, we have to revisit the case of Trayvon Martin.  Unarmed black teen (Trayvon Martin) minding his own business while walking through an unfamiliar predominantly white neighborhood in Florida gets followed by overzealous neighborhood watch leader (George Zimmerman), who thinks said teen might be the burglar who has been committing robberies in the neighborhood.  While unconfirmed, one can reasonably assume that Zimmerman had an unnecessary negative confrontation with Martin as events quickly escalated and Zimmerman had no business following Martin to begin with as he was repeatedly asked by the 911 dispatcher to not pursue Martin.  The resulting escalation ends with a dead black teen who no one can claim had any ill intentions prior to being confronted by Zimmerman.  Yet, Zimmerman escaped all criminal charges and a country was torn in half as people of all walks of life scrambled to take sides.

Between Martin's death and Zimmerman's not guilty verdict, we had the misfortune of seeing the ugly parts of America on full display.  Many a heated debate was had over whether young black men should be wearing hoodies.  The mainstream media could not help themselves in distorting the facts of the case, from constantly representing Martin's likeness by using a much younger and more innocent looking photo to doctoring Zimmerman's 911 call in order to make him appear overtly racist to trying to conceal Zimmerman's substantial injuries that he suffered during the physical altercation to misleading the American people about Zimmerman's race (any other story, Zimmerman would have probably been identified as Hispanic instead of Caucasian) to flat out omitting key facts of the case to blaming Florida's Stand Your Ground law even though legal experts generally agreed that this unique Florida law did not apply to this case.  Don't blame me for that run-on sentence from hell.  Blame our glorious left leaning mainstream media.

Not that the right leaning media on Fox News was perfect either.  This was an opportunity to have a much needed national discussion about the unequal treatment of African Americans in this country and conservative pundits could not have cared less.  They spent more time blaming young black men for wearing an item sold in every clothing store in America than talking about the racial injustices in America today.  Many pundits even seemed to take pleasure in defending George Zimmerman.  Let this be clear.  Zimmerman by all accounts is a slime ball and there is zero debate that A) he committed wrong doing that night and B) Martin would still be alive had Zimmerman done what he was told by the 911 dispatcher.

Fast forward to Ferguson.  On the one hand, we have a St. Louis area police department that is infamous for racial mistreatment at worst and highly aggressive and questionable treatment of African Americans at best.  Not all police officers.  Maybe not most police officers.  But enough police officers.  We have a St. Louis police department that left Michael Brown's dead body lying in the street for 4 solid hours, a disrespectful move they later had to apologize for publicly.  We have a St. Louis police department that, from an optics standpoint, went out of their way to appear overtly self-serving with their messaging to the public regarding the Michael Brown shooting and seemed to use excessive force in quelling protesters, many of whom were peaceful but still found themselves on the receiving end of police brutality.  And then of course, we have a white police officer killing an unarmed black teen whose account of events could not sound more suspicious if it tried.  Regardless of whether Officer Darren Wilson is innocent or not of legal wrongdoing, it is not hard to imagine that some aspects of his account are not entirely accurate.

And here we go again.  The left leaning mainstream media cannot help themselves.  They stoke the flames every chance they get.  They trying to hold back facts of the case that don't fit the narrative of a white police officer murdering a black male teen in cold blood (how lovely).  The right wing media pretends that the black community is simply imagining that white police officers in many many cities across this nation are mistreating African Americans and sometimes executing illegal searches simply because they can get away with doing so.  The left leaning mainstream media pretends that video footage of Michael Brown committing a very physically aggressive robbery does not provide any context to the subsequent altercation with the police officer.  Conservative media acts like Michael Brown had it coming to him because of said robbery.  The mainstream media refuses to report that the most important elements of Officer Darren Wilson's account were corroborated either by forensic evidence or multiple eye witnesses who happened to also be African American.  The cold hard facts of the case presented to the grand jury are conspicuously missing in most media coverage.  The right wing pundits continuously fail to question whether police officers need a better accountability system given some of the examples of heinous abuses of police power across this country that have come before the public's attention in light of the events in Ferguson.

What a mess we have on our hands America.  What a mess indeed.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

2014-15 College Basketball Preview

Per usual, my annual college basketball preview.  Every year I try to tweak the format in order to be more concise and interesting for the casual basketball fan.  So enjoy.


Wisconsin Badgers (#3) - While Wisconsin is consistently ranked outside of the top 2 by most polls and rankings lists, I like the Badgers to cut down the net in March.  Bo Ryan is one of the very best coaches in America and now he has legitimate NBA talent and Final Four experience to work with.  Usually the biggest questions facing teams have to do with the supporting cast.  For the Badgers, the biggest questions pertain to their two best players.  Will center Frank Kaminsky play at the same level he did in his final two games last season?  And is the summer buzz surrounding Sam Dekker legit?  If so, Wisconsin probably has the best 1-2 combo in America.  This team can comfortably go big or small and they should be the best offensive team in America.  Defense and foul trouble will be key as Kaminsky can't afford to pick up early fouls in the tournament.


Kentucky Wildcats (#1) - On paper, Kentucky has a ton of talent and clearly is the deepest team in America.  In reality, many of their pieces don't fit perfectly together.  Last year's squad benefited from the NCAA's quirky officiating emphasis during the tournament more than anyone else.  Assuming that was a one year fluke, the Wildcats will not be able to count on help from the refs like they did previously.  They don't have a true small forward anywhere on their roster, which is going to cause problems on both ends of the court.  And their star big man, Karl Towns, is more potential than production at this point.

Arizona Wildcats (#2) - I'm not anti-Wildcat, I swear.  As is the case with Kentucky, I question just how good Arizona's most hyped freshman will be for them.  I also question what this team will be able to hang its hat on.  Aaron Gordon was a swiss army knife for this team, giving them stellar defense at multiple positions along with heady offensive play and points that didn't take away from other teammate's offensive touches.  Nick Johnson's scoring ability and defense and leadership will all be missed at the 2 guard spot.  Arizona will be coached well and should secure a top seed in the tournament.  But they won't be able to rely on having the best defense/rebounding in the land.  Can the offense improve enough to overcome the loss of this suffocating strength?  I just don't see it.


Louisville Cardinals (#8) - It's a stretch to peg any team outside the top 10 as a serious championship contender prior to the season.  I would be grasping at straws to project such a team to play that well.  Louisville is getting passed over by voters but that is a mistake.  While Louisville suffered significant losses, that was from a team that was arguably among the top 3-4 teams in America.  Louisville had the misfortune of losing earlier in the tournament but that loss came against national runner up Kentucky.  The Cardinals had been playing outstanding basketball up until that point.  Furthermore, don't discount the improvement that could be made by the returning players.  Point guard Terry Rozier played exceptionally well over the summer and should be an adequate replacement for star Russ Smith.  Center Mangok Mathiang has loads of upside as a defensive specialist and could help form the most intimidating defensive duo in the country with Montrezl Harrell.  Speaking of Harrell, the departure of Smith along with another year of development could see him make a leap offensively.  Better decision making from Chris Jones would be a boon to this team as well.  This is certainly a hopeful projection but don't be surprised if the talented Cardinals end up playing Wisconsin in the championship game.


Jahlil Okafor (Duke) - I'm not exactly going out on a limb picking the consensus #1 prospect as my choice.  Rather, this is meant to get you excited about just how good Okafor can be.  My best comp for Okafor is a center version of Zach Randolph.  If that comparison proves to be true, Okafor will be a top 15 NBA player for years and years to come.  His game is built on being an incredibly skilled and savvy post scorer with an emerging jump shot.  Defense isn't his forte but given his size and basketball IQ, he shouldn't be a liability either.  Okafor's size will cause problems in an NBA that is devoid of true centers.  Check out Duke this season so you too can get excited about Okafor's NBA potential.


Chris Walker (Florida) - It's easy to forget about Walker.  He wasn't as highly ranked in his high school class because 2013 was packed with top notch prospects.  And then Walker had the fiasco with trying to gain NCAA eligibility.  By the time that was resolved, Florida's rotation was set and there wasn't much room for such a raw player like Walker to earn playing time.  However, the things that made Walker such a tantalizing NBA prospect still exist.  His physical tools are Andrew Wiggins-esque.  He appears to have a good motor for a big man.  The questions now are how much weight he can put on his frame this off season and whether or not he gained enough experience in practice/games last season to play more like a sophomore this year than a freshman.  If he can put on significant weight without losing any athleticism, Walker will be as physically gifted as any NBA big man.

Mormon Bishop Wrong In His Criticism of Harry Reid

I am in no way, shape, or form a supporter of Harry Reid.  But what this bishop said was off base for a number of reasons.

To start off, let me say that I completely sympathize with this bishop's opinion regarding Mormons like Harry Reid who are pro-choice.  I cannot comprehend how a faithful member of the church in good standing can be pro-choice on the topic of abortion.  Nevertheless, there are faithful members of the church who are pro-choice.  In fact, our beloved Republican presidential nominee in 2012 was a faithful Mormon who in the not-too-distant past ran for public office as a pro-choice candidate.

Now, I don't pretend to claim that modern day Mitt Romney is the same person as pro-choice Mitt Romney.  People grow and change.  My point is simply that political views can be reached for many different reasons.  Using a person's political views as a vehicle to scrutinize spiritual worthiness is a dangerous path to take.  Furthermore, many political topics are not as black-and-white as this bishop and many other Mormons seem to believe.

Perhaps even more troubling than the attacks on Harry Reid's political stances is this bishop's perception of what it means to be temple worthy (and I assume by extension, what spiritual attributes this bishop thinks are the foundation of righteous living).  Let's start with the temple worthiness issue.  The church is very strict regarding the guidelines for temple recommend interviews, which are the sole basis for deeming an individual's temple worthiness.

Temple recommend interview questions are sort of like democracy.  Both are extremely flawed systems, except when compared to every other alternative.  The scriptures teach us that the best form of governance is to appoint the most wise and righteous members of our communities to lead us politically.  However, since there isn't a good way to ensure that such individuals will be consistently put in positions of power, we resort to a democracy as the next best option.  Democracy is not a great option but the competition is pretty ugly so this is what we settle for.

The same is true for the temple recommend interview questions.  There are plenty of people who are righteous enough to enter our temples who are not allowed and plenty of people who are not righteous enough to enter our temples who are allowed.  The Mormon church will continue to function just fine despite this flawed system.  This bishop fails to grasp this concept and is angry that Harry Reid's vile soul is permitted to enter the most sacred of places in the Mormon faith.  Harry Reid isn't the first and he won't be the last.  And there is nothing that can be done about it.

Finally, this bishop seems to believe that Harry Reid's most egregious spiritual crimes while in public office have to do with the political stances he takes.  This goes along with the mentality sometimes erroneously perpetuated in the church that our spirituality is akin to a resume of checked boxes.  Reid's political positions pail in comparison to the gross deception and dishonest political practices that rival just about any politician in Washington.  Give me an honest pro-choice politician over a dishonest pro-life politician any day of the week.  Reid is also known to be overly divisive and contentious in his political rhetoric in order to denigrate half of the American people simply because they do not align with his political party.

This bishop may have been right to boldly call out Harry Reid.  But the thought process behind his attack on the former Senate Majority Leader was wrong.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Media Bias Reaching Comical Levels

Like many of you, I have been following all of the Obama scandals and other debacles that have been plaguing this country of late.  Conservative news precincts can't keep up with all of the breaking stories, whether they be the latest twists in the IRS scandal to Iraq falling apart before our very eyes to the border becoming a nightmare with thousands and soon to be hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied children crossing our southern border and then being crammed into warehouses to the economy shockingly shrinking 3%, which is a 5 year record.  Did you catch all of that?  Four major separate stories directly relating to the Obama Administration: IRS scandal, Iraq, border, economy.

This of course does not include the ongoing investigation of what happened the night of the Benghazi attack or the fact that the Supreme Court, by a 9-0 decision, once again chastised the president for his abuse of executive power, in this case his "recess" appointments that attempted to bypass Senate approval.  Shall I go on?  I am sure I am forgetting something but I think the point has been made.  It would not be an exaggeration to call this a bonanza of major stories breaking all at once.  With all of that in mind, here is the only story about President Obama or any of the negative stories related to him that appeared among Yahoo's 100 revolving front page stories:

You couldn't make this up if you tried.  THAT is the only story you could come up with to report on?  The president cutting in line at a BBQ joint?  Those who defend the media against accusations of left leaning bias will say this is coincidental and that the actions of one media outlet are no reflection on the media at large.  But that is not true.  There are few industries as competitive as the news business.  Each media outlet is competing for eyeballs over the same stories.  Outlets that can report faster and better on the same issues win the day.  So if Yahoo feels at ease ignoring every major negative story that could hurt the Obama Administration, you already know what other media outlets are reporting and not reporting.

Just for fun, I switched over to CNN's homepage.  CNN touts itself as fair and objective, being above the political slants seen on Fox News and MSNBC.  CNN had one article relating to President Obama.  The first paragraph talked about the Republicans suing the president and stated the reasoning behind this move is because they despise the fact that President Obama passed health care reform.  Not only is this factually untrue (Republicans are suing over repeated abuses of executive power, the kind that the Supreme Court keeps unanimously slapping down the president for) but this story obviously ignores the bigger and much more damning stories related to the Obama Administration.  That is it.  No other negative stories that could be traced back to the Obama Administration are to be found on CNN's website this morning.  Oh, I'm sorry, there is also a video of the president silencing a heckler.

The only major media outlets that can truly afford to have a grotesquely blatant liberal slant even in the face of all other media coverage being fair minded would be MSNBC and the New York Times, at least from a business standpoint.  All other media outlets are taking a large financial hit by constantly covering for the president.  But there is one thing that trumps money and that is religion.  To those who are deeply passionate about politics, and you almost certainly have to be to choose journalism as a career choice, choosing sides between political parties and politicians is more than just having favorites.  For journalists, political leanings are all too often more akin to religious views.  People will pass up money when blindly following their religious beliefs.  And covering for President Obama has become a religion for the mainstream media.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Terrifying Concerns Regarding Our Country's Future (Hobby Lobby Ruling)

Those of you who know me well understand that I am not a "doom and gloom" guy when it comes to politics.  I believe in the American people figuring out what is right and what is wrong.  I believe in healthy debate and letting the winning side prevail.  I do not prescribe to a single ideology.  I am a true independent whose political leanings are a mix of liberalism, conservatism, and libertarianism.  However, for a democracy to function, the general public must have access to accurate information.  Otherwise, it's not a democracy at all.  The reactions to the Hobby Lobby case have left me extremely fearful for our country moving forward.  The general public simply does not have access to accurate information.  Allow me to write a long but worthwhile article outlining the facts surrounding the Hobby Lobby ruling.

1. The law of the land as it stands now is that, of the 20 different birth control methods available in the United States, companies have to cover all 20 in their health care plans according to the Affordable Care Act.  Hobby Lobby is willing to cover 16 of those birth controls but they find moral objection to 4 of them because they are considered to be akin to abortion.  Right now, the general public is being told that the Supreme Court's ruling means women employed by Hobby Lobby and other businesses with religious leanings will not have their birth control covered anymore.  This is patently false.  Exactly 80% of the available birth control methods are covered by Hobby Lobby even after the ruling.

2. The phrase "denying access" has been thrown about constantly when discussing this case.  But even referring to the 4 birth control methods that are not going to be covered by Hobby Lobby, no woman's access is being denied.  She simply has to pay for those forms of birth control out of her pocket if she so chooses.  Access is still available.  To say women are denied access to birth control that is not free or nearly free to them is akin to saying that I am being denied access to a $10 steak, which I am willing to pay for, when the price jumps to $20 per steak, which I am not willing to pay for.  My access to the steak after the price hike has not been denied.  I simply am choosing to spend my money in other ways.

3. It should be noted that until very very very recently, women's birth control has not been universally covered like it is now.  I know this personally as Wendy's preferred method of birth control was not covered by her insurance in the past and we had to pay out of pocket.  Now that all birth control is covered, liberals have declared that women have a "right" to have their birth control covered by insurance and anyone who thinks otherwise is at war with women and wants to deny them their God given rights.  This is an insane position.  I am wholeheartedly in support of universal coverage of birth control for all females.  I think it's an excellent policy.  But I would never call this someone's right.

4. What is most ironic about the outrage over the Hobby Lobby ruling is that the women who are employed at Hobby Lobby will still receive the same birth control coverage as everyone else!  I repeat, the women who work at Hobby Lobby will have all 20 birth control methods covered just the same as women working at other companies.  Sorry, this bears repeating once more, there will be no difference whatsoever between the birth control methods covered by employees of Hobby Lobby compared to everyone else.  As shocking as this revelation may be to some of you, the facts are crystal clear.  There is already an exception over birth control carved out for non-profit organizations and the health insurance they provide for their employees.  In these instances, the government asks that the private health insurance companies provide the coverage anyway at no additional cost.  And if that failed, the government would directly provide the coverage if needs be.  In practical terms, this ruling has no effect whatsoever on employees of Hobby Lobby.

5. There has been concern raised about whether this ruling opens the flood gates in terms of other things not being covered in health insurance.  For example, Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in receiving blood transfusions.  Does this now mean that employees of a company run by Jehovah's Witnesses will not have their blood transfusions covered by their company health insurance policy?  For starters, it should be noted that this was the case prior to the recently enacted Affordable Care Act.  In other words, this so called problem already existed.  Yet, have we ever talked about this being a problem for a single person in our entire history as a country?  The answer is no.  It's important to remind everyone that the only reason this court ruling on the Hobby Lobby case was necessary is because of the demands of the Affordable Care Act.  So it sounds like this doomsday scenario does not apply as we have never heard of problematic cases in the past.  Furthermore, there is a difference between not believing in doing something for yourself (i.e. receiving a blood transfusion) and believing that an act is inherently evil (i.e. participating in an abortion procedure).  To assume that Jehovah's Witnesses would wish to deny their employees the ability to receive blood transfusions simply because they choose to not receive them for themselves may be a stretch.  This is similar to Mormons not wanting to drink coffee or alcohol.  That does not mean Mormons wish to deny others the ability to make that choice for themselves.  Finally, as pointed out in Point #4, even if other companies decided to deny health coverage of blood transfusions, the government would simply find another way to cover those employees.  Essentially, no harm no foul.

6. An important fact not being reported is that the law requiring companies to cover all 20 types of birth control was not passed by Congress.  This should strike you all as odd since, you know, Congress is supposed to pass laws in this country.  Yet, a regulatory agency decided that company health insurance plans had to cover all 20 types of birth control.  Why is a regulatory agency of the government passing laws that have to be challenged in the Supreme Court?  That's a darn good question.  Under the Obama Administration in particular, regulatory agencies have expanded tremendously in power to the point that they act as a 4th branch of government.  Have an objection with the coal industry?  Simply have the appropriate regulatory agency pass new regulations making it financially impossible to run a profitable coal plant.  Want education reform?  Have the appropriate regulatory agency pass decrees from on high instead of having to pass bills in Congress.  The rise of a 4th branch of government is troubling in and of itself, even before we take into account the fact that these regulatory bodies are under the direction of the executive branch.  Our government is designed to keep all 3 branches of government in check.  However, this 4th branch of government shifts power decidedly in favor of one man: the president.  This was never intended but that is what has taken place.

7. It should be noted that there is a genuine debate to be had over whether the Supreme Court made an accurate ruling.  The premise by the majority is that closely held companies, basically companies who are controlled by 5 people or less, can have the same rights as individuals.  In other words, family owned companies like Hobby Lobby can have religious rights much the same as an individual.  The other side finds this absurd as a for-profit company is in the business of making money, period.  Therefore, they are not like individuals at all.  This is a fascinating debate.  Unfortunately, we are not having this debate and never will.  The reason is simple: the American public is not being told anything remotely close to the actual facts.  Instead, outright lies are being perpetuated in order to sway the masses toward one political viewpoint.  Our democracy literally cannot stand if this continues at such an alarming rate.  Without accurate reporting by the media, the portion that is supposed to be unbiased and looking out for us, America will crumble.  Let us hope a fair and trustworthy news source will rise sooner rather than later.