Sunday, April 6, 2014

LDS General Conference Theme

I've missed a lot of this general conference (April 2014) because I had to work on Saturday.  But I have noticed a continuing theme over the last several years of diversity.  Elder Wirthlin gave a talk not too long ago about how members of the church are like various instruments in an orchestra, each unique and perhaps serving different purposes and roles.  His talk was about embracing differences.  President Uchtdorf gave a talk recently about how we perpetuate false stereotypes about why people leave the church and that there are many reasons why this may happen.  Rarely do people leave the church simply because they are wicked or weak.  Today, Elder Perry talked about how rarely are there one-size-fits-all solutions in life and that there is necessary trial-and-error.

This theme seems to be in conjunction with the theme of needing to have Christ-like love above all else.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is above else a church that looks to embrace others.  Sometimes, members of the LDS church need reminders of this because we are all human.  Our nature is to be tribal and thus, we are blessed to have modern prophets and apostles that pull us away from our natural man tendencies and towards loving others, despite the high tensions we see in politics and society at large among differing groups.

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