Friday, July 11, 2014

Media Bias Reaching Comical Levels

Like many of you, I have been following all of the Obama scandals and other debacles that have been plaguing this country of late.  Conservative news precincts can't keep up with all of the breaking stories, whether they be the latest twists in the IRS scandal to Iraq falling apart before our very eyes to the border becoming a nightmare with thousands and soon to be hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied children crossing our southern border and then being crammed into warehouses to the economy shockingly shrinking 3%, which is a 5 year record.  Did you catch all of that?  Four major separate stories directly relating to the Obama Administration: IRS scandal, Iraq, border, economy.

This of course does not include the ongoing investigation of what happened the night of the Benghazi attack or the fact that the Supreme Court, by a 9-0 decision, once again chastised the president for his abuse of executive power, in this case his "recess" appointments that attempted to bypass Senate approval.  Shall I go on?  I am sure I am forgetting something but I think the point has been made.  It would not be an exaggeration to call this a bonanza of major stories breaking all at once.  With all of that in mind, here is the only story about President Obama or any of the negative stories related to him that appeared among Yahoo's 100 revolving front page stories:

You couldn't make this up if you tried.  THAT is the only story you could come up with to report on?  The president cutting in line at a BBQ joint?  Those who defend the media against accusations of left leaning bias will say this is coincidental and that the actions of one media outlet are no reflection on the media at large.  But that is not true.  There are few industries as competitive as the news business.  Each media outlet is competing for eyeballs over the same stories.  Outlets that can report faster and better on the same issues win the day.  So if Yahoo feels at ease ignoring every major negative story that could hurt the Obama Administration, you already know what other media outlets are reporting and not reporting.

Just for fun, I switched over to CNN's homepage.  CNN touts itself as fair and objective, being above the political slants seen on Fox News and MSNBC.  CNN had one article relating to President Obama.  The first paragraph talked about the Republicans suing the president and stated the reasoning behind this move is because they despise the fact that President Obama passed health care reform.  Not only is this factually untrue (Republicans are suing over repeated abuses of executive power, the kind that the Supreme Court keeps unanimously slapping down the president for) but this story obviously ignores the bigger and much more damning stories related to the Obama Administration.  That is it.  No other negative stories that could be traced back to the Obama Administration are to be found on CNN's website this morning.  Oh, I'm sorry, there is also a video of the president silencing a heckler.

The only major media outlets that can truly afford to have a grotesquely blatant liberal slant even in the face of all other media coverage being fair minded would be MSNBC and the New York Times, at least from a business standpoint.  All other media outlets are taking a large financial hit by constantly covering for the president.  But there is one thing that trumps money and that is religion.  To those who are deeply passionate about politics, and you almost certainly have to be to choose journalism as a career choice, choosing sides between political parties and politicians is more than just having favorites.  For journalists, political leanings are all too often more akin to religious views.  People will pass up money when blindly following their religious beliefs.  And covering for President Obama has become a religion for the mainstream media.

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