Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Ferguson, Missouri: Trayvon Martin Case 2.0

To understand what is happening in Ferguson, we have to revisit the case of Trayvon Martin.  Unarmed black teen (Trayvon Martin) minding his own business while walking through an unfamiliar predominantly white neighborhood in Florida gets followed by overzealous neighborhood watch leader (George Zimmerman), who thinks said teen might be the burglar who has been committing robberies in the neighborhood.  While unconfirmed, one can reasonably assume that Zimmerman had an unnecessary negative confrontation with Martin as events quickly escalated and Zimmerman had no business following Martin to begin with as he was repeatedly asked by the 911 dispatcher to not pursue Martin.  The resulting escalation ends with a dead black teen who no one can claim had any ill intentions prior to being confronted by Zimmerman.  Yet, Zimmerman escaped all criminal charges and a country was torn in half as people of all walks of life scrambled to take sides.

Between Martin's death and Zimmerman's not guilty verdict, we had the misfortune of seeing the ugly parts of America on full display.  Many a heated debate was had over whether young black men should be wearing hoodies.  The mainstream media could not help themselves in distorting the facts of the case, from constantly representing Martin's likeness by using a much younger and more innocent looking photo to doctoring Zimmerman's 911 call in order to make him appear overtly racist to trying to conceal Zimmerman's substantial injuries that he suffered during the physical altercation to misleading the American people about Zimmerman's race (any other story, Zimmerman would have probably been identified as Hispanic instead of Caucasian) to flat out omitting key facts of the case to blaming Florida's Stand Your Ground law even though legal experts generally agreed that this unique Florida law did not apply to this case.  Don't blame me for that run-on sentence from hell.  Blame our glorious left leaning mainstream media.

Not that the right leaning media on Fox News was perfect either.  This was an opportunity to have a much needed national discussion about the unequal treatment of African Americans in this country and conservative pundits could not have cared less.  They spent more time blaming young black men for wearing an item sold in every clothing store in America than talking about the racial injustices in America today.  Many pundits even seemed to take pleasure in defending George Zimmerman.  Let this be clear.  Zimmerman by all accounts is a slime ball and there is zero debate that A) he committed wrong doing that night and B) Martin would still be alive had Zimmerman done what he was told by the 911 dispatcher.

Fast forward to Ferguson.  On the one hand, we have a St. Louis area police department that is infamous for racial mistreatment at worst and highly aggressive and questionable treatment of African Americans at best.  Not all police officers.  Maybe not most police officers.  But enough police officers.  We have a St. Louis police department that left Michael Brown's dead body lying in the street for 4 solid hours, a disrespectful move they later had to apologize for publicly.  We have a St. Louis police department that, from an optics standpoint, went out of their way to appear overtly self-serving with their messaging to the public regarding the Michael Brown shooting and seemed to use excessive force in quelling protesters, many of whom were peaceful but still found themselves on the receiving end of police brutality.  And then of course, we have a white police officer killing an unarmed black teen whose account of events could not sound more suspicious if it tried.  Regardless of whether Officer Darren Wilson is innocent or not of legal wrongdoing, it is not hard to imagine that some aspects of his account are not entirely accurate.

And here we go again.  The left leaning mainstream media cannot help themselves.  They stoke the flames every chance they get.  They trying to hold back facts of the case that don't fit the narrative of a white police officer murdering a black male teen in cold blood (how lovely).  The right wing media pretends that the black community is simply imagining that white police officers in many many cities across this nation are mistreating African Americans and sometimes executing illegal searches simply because they can get away with doing so.  The left leaning mainstream media pretends that video footage of Michael Brown committing a very physically aggressive robbery does not provide any context to the subsequent altercation with the police officer.  Conservative media acts like Michael Brown had it coming to him because of said robbery.  The mainstream media refuses to report that the most important elements of Officer Darren Wilson's account were corroborated either by forensic evidence or multiple eye witnesses who happened to also be African American.  The cold hard facts of the case presented to the grand jury are conspicuously missing in most media coverage.  The right wing pundits continuously fail to question whether police officers need a better accountability system given some of the examples of heinous abuses of police power across this country that have come before the public's attention in light of the events in Ferguson.

What a mess we have on our hands America.  What a mess indeed.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

2014-15 College Basketball Preview

Per usual, my annual college basketball preview.  Every year I try to tweak the format in order to be more concise and interesting for the casual basketball fan.  So enjoy.


Wisconsin Badgers (#3) - While Wisconsin is consistently ranked outside of the top 2 by most polls and rankings lists, I like the Badgers to cut down the net in March.  Bo Ryan is one of the very best coaches in America and now he has legitimate NBA talent and Final Four experience to work with.  Usually the biggest questions facing teams have to do with the supporting cast.  For the Badgers, the biggest questions pertain to their two best players.  Will center Frank Kaminsky play at the same level he did in his final two games last season?  And is the summer buzz surrounding Sam Dekker legit?  If so, Wisconsin probably has the best 1-2 combo in America.  This team can comfortably go big or small and they should be the best offensive team in America.  Defense and foul trouble will be key as Kaminsky can't afford to pick up early fouls in the tournament.


Kentucky Wildcats (#1) - On paper, Kentucky has a ton of talent and clearly is the deepest team in America.  In reality, many of their pieces don't fit perfectly together.  Last year's squad benefited from the NCAA's quirky officiating emphasis during the tournament more than anyone else.  Assuming that was a one year fluke, the Wildcats will not be able to count on help from the refs like they did previously.  They don't have a true small forward anywhere on their roster, which is going to cause problems on both ends of the court.  And their star big man, Karl Towns, is more potential than production at this point.

Arizona Wildcats (#2) - I'm not anti-Wildcat, I swear.  As is the case with Kentucky, I question just how good Arizona's most hyped freshman will be for them.  I also question what this team will be able to hang its hat on.  Aaron Gordon was a swiss army knife for this team, giving them stellar defense at multiple positions along with heady offensive play and points that didn't take away from other teammate's offensive touches.  Nick Johnson's scoring ability and defense and leadership will all be missed at the 2 guard spot.  Arizona will be coached well and should secure a top seed in the tournament.  But they won't be able to rely on having the best defense/rebounding in the land.  Can the offense improve enough to overcome the loss of this suffocating strength?  I just don't see it.


Louisville Cardinals (#8) - It's a stretch to peg any team outside the top 10 as a serious championship contender prior to the season.  I would be grasping at straws to project such a team to play that well.  Louisville is getting passed over by voters but that is a mistake.  While Louisville suffered significant losses, that was from a team that was arguably among the top 3-4 teams in America.  Louisville had the misfortune of losing earlier in the tournament but that loss came against national runner up Kentucky.  The Cardinals had been playing outstanding basketball up until that point.  Furthermore, don't discount the improvement that could be made by the returning players.  Point guard Terry Rozier played exceptionally well over the summer and should be an adequate replacement for star Russ Smith.  Center Mangok Mathiang has loads of upside as a defensive specialist and could help form the most intimidating defensive duo in the country with Montrezl Harrell.  Speaking of Harrell, the departure of Smith along with another year of development could see him make a leap offensively.  Better decision making from Chris Jones would be a boon to this team as well.  This is certainly a hopeful projection but don't be surprised if the talented Cardinals end up playing Wisconsin in the championship game.


Jahlil Okafor (Duke) - I'm not exactly going out on a limb picking the consensus #1 prospect as my choice.  Rather, this is meant to get you excited about just how good Okafor can be.  My best comp for Okafor is a center version of Zach Randolph.  If that comparison proves to be true, Okafor will be a top 15 NBA player for years and years to come.  His game is built on being an incredibly skilled and savvy post scorer with an emerging jump shot.  Defense isn't his forte but given his size and basketball IQ, he shouldn't be a liability either.  Okafor's size will cause problems in an NBA that is devoid of true centers.  Check out Duke this season so you too can get excited about Okafor's NBA potential.


Chris Walker (Florida) - It's easy to forget about Walker.  He wasn't as highly ranked in his high school class because 2013 was packed with top notch prospects.  And then Walker had the fiasco with trying to gain NCAA eligibility.  By the time that was resolved, Florida's rotation was set and there wasn't much room for such a raw player like Walker to earn playing time.  However, the things that made Walker such a tantalizing NBA prospect still exist.  His physical tools are Andrew Wiggins-esque.  He appears to have a good motor for a big man.  The questions now are how much weight he can put on his frame this off season and whether or not he gained enough experience in practice/games last season to play more like a sophomore this year than a freshman.  If he can put on significant weight without losing any athleticism, Walker will be as physically gifted as any NBA big man.

Mormon Bishop Wrong In His Criticism of Harry Reid


I am in no way, shape, or form a supporter of Harry Reid.  But what this bishop said was off base for a number of reasons.

To start off, let me say that I completely sympathize with this bishop's opinion regarding Mormons like Harry Reid who are pro-choice.  I cannot comprehend how a faithful member of the church in good standing can be pro-choice on the topic of abortion.  Nevertheless, there are faithful members of the church who are pro-choice.  In fact, our beloved Republican presidential nominee in 2012 was a faithful Mormon who in the not-too-distant past ran for public office as a pro-choice candidate.

Now, I don't pretend to claim that modern day Mitt Romney is the same person as pro-choice Mitt Romney.  People grow and change.  My point is simply that political views can be reached for many different reasons.  Using a person's political views as a vehicle to scrutinize spiritual worthiness is a dangerous path to take.  Furthermore, many political topics are not as black-and-white as this bishop and many other Mormons seem to believe.

Perhaps even more troubling than the attacks on Harry Reid's political stances is this bishop's perception of what it means to be temple worthy (and I assume by extension, what spiritual attributes this bishop thinks are the foundation of righteous living).  Let's start with the temple worthiness issue.  The church is very strict regarding the guidelines for temple recommend interviews, which are the sole basis for deeming an individual's temple worthiness.

Temple recommend interview questions are sort of like democracy.  Both are extremely flawed systems, except when compared to every other alternative.  The scriptures teach us that the best form of governance is to appoint the most wise and righteous members of our communities to lead us politically.  However, since there isn't a good way to ensure that such individuals will be consistently put in positions of power, we resort to a democracy as the next best option.  Democracy is not a great option but the competition is pretty ugly so this is what we settle for.

The same is true for the temple recommend interview questions.  There are plenty of people who are righteous enough to enter our temples who are not allowed and plenty of people who are not righteous enough to enter our temples who are allowed.  The Mormon church will continue to function just fine despite this flawed system.  This bishop fails to grasp this concept and is angry that Harry Reid's vile soul is permitted to enter the most sacred of places in the Mormon faith.  Harry Reid isn't the first and he won't be the last.  And there is nothing that can be done about it.

Finally, this bishop seems to believe that Harry Reid's most egregious spiritual crimes while in public office have to do with the political stances he takes.  This goes along with the mentality sometimes erroneously perpetuated in the church that our spirituality is akin to a resume of checked boxes.  Reid's political positions pail in comparison to the gross deception and dishonest political practices that rival just about any politician in Washington.  Give me an honest pro-choice politician over a dishonest pro-life politician any day of the week.  Reid is also known to be overly divisive and contentious in his political rhetoric in order to denigrate half of the American people simply because they do not align with his political party.

This bishop may have been right to boldly call out Harry Reid.  But the thought process behind his attack on the former Senate Majority Leader was wrong.